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How are you spending your palindrome day?

It’s a unique one, for sure! It’s been over 900 years since we have had one this ‘solid’, this intense.

Past, present, and future – is what this 'portal' blends the energies of and for us. Balance and harmony is our trajectory for the year (and the decade).

Past moments were for our Now, just like our now moments are for our Future. Basic ‘math’ right? 🙂

If there is some nostalgia going on with you recently, that’s okay. Try not to linger there for too long. Reminiscing can be fun but having discernment of any past-moment is powerful. Some can get swept up in the feelings/emotions of thinking-back. If not consciously observed – it has the potential ability to bring you back into a loop. This is how some can get stuck ‘in the past’.

Healing or not; it can be tricky if you aren’t currently in a healthier, clearer, forward-moving state of consciousness. Don’t let the past start taking over any current Now moments/feelings/emotions. Acknowledge that it was: what it was. A lesson perhaps? A moment of love? A moment of authenticity? Whatever it was, observe, recognize and be okay with it. This is actually a practice that can and will be developed as you spiritually mature and begin living in an observer-mode state of (higher) consciousness.

When you can begin to visit past… anything(s) in complete observation, you have made huge progress towards the healing, the evolution of you, and your ascension. You can and will actually start to notice this happening; and hopefully, more frequently until you begin to find yourself: observing, in neutrality. This is true for ‘now’ moments as well. It’s really pretty-cool when this becomes a more natural state of being. 'Removing yourself' from any dramas, traumas, emotional-whatever’s is freeing and liberating. Take nothing on! Especially when it’s usually not yours!

Like I mentioned: practice and awareness brings growth here. Be patient, be in the state of Love and heart-space… it will happen. It’s where we all want to be as our future selves. As we work on the balancing of polarities (individually/globally/collective) and heading into a new dimensional way of being, it takes mind/heart, body, spirit/soul harmony for the ascension path.

Balance. Harmony. Love. We all know how to do this! ❤ 🙂

For such an amazing time, 'portal', day, month (of 2’s!), year, and decade: Set intentions for your amazing higher-Self future; the future truly is: Now!

Photo by Maël BALLAND on


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