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Who’s ready for 2020?!

Photo by Min An on

I am!

Today is another spring-board for us to align! For some, it will be to awaken during this final lap of 2019 (and this decade even). Those on their ascension path, it will help to propel us.

From here on out – it really is: unknown territory! Uncharted lands. A rollercoaster ride with new loops, twists and turns for our highest good. Okay, there has been a lot of this going on already. But this decade is almost over. My last chunk-of-ten was quite the ride! So much growth, learning, experiencing, healing and I am nowhere near an ending.

As we co-create here on our beloved earth and with her everything is new; as if it hasn’t already been… right? New to our human-selves. And our soul/higher-self is SO-Super-Excited for us!

This year is wrapping up. Although linear, as we look on a calendar, there is no stop n’ start – we will flow and continue to do so… right into and along-with the ever-uplifting ascension. When will calendars be obsolete? Who knows; one 'new' earthly day it will go bye-bye just like time-on-a-clock.

Until then, weeks are feeling like shorter blocks of time for me. These last few weeks have been crazy-busy along with so many days of being hit with downloads, upgrades, ascension energies, frequencies of light and love! This can induce that: it was all a blur! sensations. And it’s just getting started!

I have been noticing a different kind of energy-tiredness since 11-11 but in a good way. Bringing an awareness to being more grounded; in my body. I am aware that I need to work on the physical right now.

I’ve really been anchoring in my future self, with my here and now. With all this different timelines energies – old is leaving/collapsing while simultaneously the future comes on-line. I have days were I am so tired I just want to sleep! It’s about my integration with all these new frequencies and energies. I usually am doing my best to consciously integrate but my being tired-and-wired reminds me that I might not be integrating as well as I thought (LOL!). Like, I would have total (monkey-mind) consciousness-control over that stuff! (I giggle).

It’s all part of the cray-zee I sometimes feel. Knowing what’s going on keeps me calm and trusting. Sure, I have days where I am like wtf? What IS this?! But I will rationally calm myself and know that I am safe, I am love (and am loved), and most likely something needs to integrate or IS integrating! Suddenly – that couch looks appealing, and I must lie down! 🙂

So, on this 3-3-3 day or 12-12-12… however you want to add it all up, it boils down to really setting the intentions for you to be in alignment with your soul and your purposes here. The portal/gateway is opening up to our Great Central Sun allowing us to get into alignment and while doing so – the Universe is listening (it’s always listening). It will respond to you with Divine love and light and the changes/shifting will ensue.

Awareness needs to be on your radar. Some people think they are pretty-aware when they really aren’t. Awareness isn’t just external it’s internal as well (if not more so). Being able to balance both is awesome. It can take some practice. I mean, I am still learning my own rhythms with energy and frequencies (and this has been going on for years). But just when I think I got something figured out… BAM, here comes a new-batch, new waves, new frequencies doing new things! Did I mention this was a roller-coaster ride?

Hope you like rides?! 🙂

Love, peace, and integration everyone! Be gentle with yourself, we have a lot of loops up ahead!

Enjoy the 12-12 to 12-21 gateway. Be of love, be of light, and BE as if. Bring your future to yourself now by BE-ing as if you are already there.

The next decade is your new timeline manifesting (if you aren’t already on it). Set the intentions for you to be in alignment with your Soul and your Divine purpose(s) here. Stay in your heart-space and be your authentic self and the abundance, manifestations, Love, Joy, and beautiful life will continue to unfold for you.

Love and Blessings ❤

Photo by Ray Bilcliff on


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