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5+3+1+2+0+2+3 = 16

1+6 = 7

I love a good 7!



Numerology suggests that 7 represents:

Deeper dives, introspective, intuitive, and a truth seeker; no sugar-coating... get to the goods! It's curiosity with analytical perception and sprinkle of good fortune all while spiritually in-tune.

My own 7-connection goes right to:

The chakra, dimension/portal, and Kathara/12 tree grid (Kryst/Krist/Christ), the feminine side (left side/left shoulder); as well as the aspects/in-relation to - the past, present, and future; this is spiritual beyond any numerology definition. I find myself mixing a little bit of both to come to my own conclusions of things when a '7' is present.

This last month - was LOTS of the mixing of both for me. It's even a 5 month, in a 7 year! Can I keep going on and on with numbers and their vibe?! Probably. (Five is the number of change, shift).

I feel (and know) this will continue as I go deeper into my soul healing/repair. Working on the trauma(s), fragmentation, parts, pieces, timelines and dimensions - repair, reclaim, witness, forgive, balance, harmonize - is no small feat. My on-going healing of Self has hit a more intense level since last winter Solstice, for sure! Integration can be exhaustive but so-very-worth it! I wouldn't have it any other way... wouldn't change a thing... and any other cliché statement that would ring true here!

I'm constantly in a state of thankfulness and gratitude for where I am in my spiritual journey, how far I have come, and for just being awake and aware in these weird and wild times! Liberation is a bumpy ride!

Thank you God; for all that I am, for all that I have, and for all that is yet to be - for my greatest and highest good and my God, sovereign, free Christ-Self.


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