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I apparently took some time away from posting.


And now the year is coming to a close. So… I thought I would post a little thank you to the year that was 2022.

It was actually, a pretty good year. From my own personal stuff to the homesteading life-n-times: all good!

Not flawless (LOL!) but good, decent, and probably… kind-of boring in some ways. 🙂

My own personal stuff was more goodies to un-pack for healing, learning and growth. And most likely why I valued my energies and where I put them/utilized it. Not worrying about blogging, for example! I spent lots of time connecting-in with my Self and my physical-body-healing; repairing and understanding. I dive-deeper into these aspects of me daily.

I’m already feeling (whatever it is)… I want to know, I want to see, I want to heal, repair and move beyond all the stuff I seem to pack-around with me – that is just… bogging me down.

I am working on liberation, to be straight to the point!

We all need to be working on our liberation! We have soooooo many chains, cords, harnesses, attachments, shadow, densities, goo and sticky stuff… just doing it’s best to keep us ‘small’ and imprisoned.

I have been doing my own healing work for several years now, and 2022 has been no different. It seemed a little milder than some previous years (I am thankful for the ease and grace of that!) – probably because I don’t have to be shocked and beat over the head like I used to!

I’m developing my knowing-ness, trust and the understanding-of… a lot quicker these days! I am thankful for that! But this is a practice; and I am diligent with it. The path forward is always for my greatest and highest good.

I think 2023 will be pretty amazing!


Thanks 2022, I appreciate all you brought me! ❤


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