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Feeling the Feels

So, my summer and including this/these Now moments (while I write this) is filled with ‘things happening‘ in, on, and around me – for my transmutation(s), shifting from, and moving into my next phase. I have really been noticing my ‘unplugging’ from third dimensional matrices… with intensity!

As per usual 🙂 the following days and weeks/months onward after any Solar eclipse (this years: June 10th 2021) brings about changes.

I, like many others in-tune with the energies, feel stuff shifting, sense change in the now moments (or what I love to refer to: happening live!); notice tangible sensations, actions, and results. Result(s) from the then choices taken, the consent given – cause and effect. This could be anything in our current realities. For me… it has been heightened sensations on various levels of Self, while at the same time – a squeezing feeling at the physical (dense) level.

It has been interesting. It still is interesting. As I am experiencing physical sensations that I have, well… basically never felt before! (not in this incarnate) 🙂

I guess that’s what can happen when you work on the healing and repair work of not only your self but the family/ancestral lineage, your timelines, and any other work/processes through other dimensionalities. It will be felt (experienced/processed) through your here-n-now bodies; the energy bodies and your physical vessel, or pain-body.

Recognizing that this is what is happening live 🙂 brings about a sense of ease. Ease – as in, the understanding and trust that something is being: cleared, cleansed, removed, purged, extracted, transmuted, returned, repaired, recalibrated, reconfigured, re-encrypted, recoded, connected, re-connected, aligned, and healed. Just to name a few! 🙂

My energy has been in a reserved-mode since the June eclipse. I’ve been feeling creative, yes, but not in the realm of… writing and blogging obviously! hahaha. I haven’t even been in my painting studio or working on anything of that kind of art-like-project.

No, my co-creation has been with nature and earth. I can’t not be outside, in my garden, with the plants, on the ground… gazing at the clouds or the stars. Feeling hippy-dippy at times but with absolute pleasure! 🙂 What I mean by that is – I have been feeling expansive on this whole new level. Like a literal un-plug from the hard, cold, lower vibrations of the 3rd dimension and it’s negative vibes, agendas, lifestyles and mind-set. To balance my Self – I have this insatiable desire to be out with the plants, garden, talking to bugs 🙂 and birds! Feeling the beautiful Sun and solar love and breathing our (now) fresh air! (Yes, wildfire season seems to have cleared around here as of late, thank you God)!

All while the energetic expansion ensues, my vessel is expressing the density-purge in its oddly-various ways. I am in constant communication with my body, my cells, my blood and bones. I will literally ask out loud: what is happening right now? And my innate sends me the info needed; or the answers and assistance shows up for me throughout the day. I am so thankful that I am awake and aware right now. Being awake for these ascending times has got to be a Game Changer! Literally! There is no way my sleeping 25 year old self would be this calm, rational, understanding, patient and neutral about even half the shit is going on right now!

Anyway, I notice all of this. From the moments of zen and flight to the grounded earthly hologram that is ME and this vessel. I am very aware that this has been and is my current now moments. I am very selective at where I put my attention and energy. And this is very crucial right now as I shift.

This is true for humanity… where you put your consent and choices made – is where you are directing yourself from here on out! The pocket of linear time to be doing this in – is small. And it is right now!

So, lately, I have been thinking about… writing, sharing/posting something, or painting, working on a project... but... the physical energy and motivation isn’t a match! Gaia/earth is the match. And I gotta say – thank God it’s been summer and gardening season! hahaha – also… a match! 🙂

Now that fall has arrived there will be garden clean-up and putting beds to bed for winter. This is also the season of preserving what is out in the garden (or left out there!) for availability later on. My ‘obsession’ with herbs and florals right now has me drying and preserving them in various ways so that I can enjoy their vibes and healing powers throughout the winter! It’s all part of my co-creation-vibe right now!

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Since I have been mentioning the solar eclipse of June…

I thought this was really cool. (Hopefully the link takes you to the pic, if not – look for the pic called The Golden Ring) The winner of the solar eclipse photography challenge (something they apparently do every year: 13th annual Astronomy Photographer of the Year) was this perfect picture of what looks like a gold ring. Maybe you have seen this already. But I thought this one was amazing!

To me, it has this metaphorical message of – representing the potential we all have to not just ‘grab the gold ring’ but to marry and become the unity of: our Self, our Sovereign Self, with Christos-Sophia/Hieros Gamos and the Oneness.

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A couple of pix of the garden/property this season!


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