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Growth and Gardening

I’m really calling-back and healing (repairing) the shamanic-healer earth/plant soul parts/pieces currently (in my Now-moments). The last few years, this has gotten stronger, heart-resonating, natural and effortless in my spiritual journey and evolution.

I know I have and am a gardener and farmer on my many timelines and life-streams. This is an integral part of me since I was a child; born into and with, it’s in the family DNA, if you will. The father’s side to be more precise. My father, his father, and on-out… back… and back further through the ancestral chart… farming, gardening, living one with the land (not just 'off' of it). I’ve always had a garden (access to gardening) and plants in my life. When I think back at the earlier days of gardening and growing things… it was functional and food; it was just something I/we did. I don’t recall really ever having a much deeper (conscious) connection to it.

But then – there sure is a lot of things from my old-me life/timeline that has been getting hazy and vague as I keep doing my healing/repairing work. Timelines are repairing and/or completely dissolving! This can form these little schisms of recall (through ego-consciousness) when trying to think of things of your past but simultaneously been clearing and healing parts and pieces of timelines. It’s very interesting.

I do know that the relationship development to/with plants has deepened and has become an intrinsic part of my BE-ing-ness since about 2007-ish.

My re-introduction to plants and their ‘powers’ really kicked into high gear during my early awakening phase… One of my many health-crisis/initiations. I began to shun the pharmaceutical world in favor of natural-means. Most of which was just long-forgotten things I already knew from my own childhood. Add-in the re-connect to my higher-Self, God and higher consciousness expansion that was now: coming on-line for me. It was developing slow and steady, one little thing after another.

With ease and grace; what I like to say!

The desire to grow a tea garden, fire-cider garden, medicinals and plants for health and wellness (along with food, yes!); and to let the wild ‘weeds’ grow and do their thing. It’s all the natural progression from: past lives - through (now/this incarnate) childhood - to my future Self, really!

Making tinctures is probably the gateway; or maybe making sun tea… ya, that also seems very gateway! Heck, there is probably a lot of plant-life gateways! LOL!☺For me, it started with just adding an herbal tea to my diet/routine, it was basic. And that’s all it needs to be. Starting where you are, where I was, is all perfect!


Here I am these days… homesteading with my hubby, growing the garden – adding more plants; growing LOTS of plants (in the house, out of the house!) and following my heart. The tea garden gets a new plant every year! The fire-cider garden is getting established the last 2-ish years. And now I keep eye-balling certain kinds of flowers… just because of their beauty! Whether or not I can make a tea or a tincture out of them - it doesn’t matter. I want to grow them… for them! I am allowing the wild-weeds to be wild! Well, somewhat of a controlled chaos, if you will. A hillside full of medicinal plants, ‘weeds’ and beneficials (for us and the pollinators) is definitely a work-in-progress! But I give my energy to it, I know it will be great one day!

Evolution of my garden, our property, right along with the evolution of Me! FUN!! I allow this to naturally flow and grow as I continue to deepen my relationship with the plants, earth, and my Self!


I love and adore chamomile! One of the great garden dwellers out in my garden. ♥

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