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Health & Healing

Who loves a good Socrates quote?

I do!

This guy’s sense of humor, yet he was matter-of-fact, still holds-up today.

It is possible that a man could live twice as long if he didn’t spend the first half of his life acquiring habits that shortens the other half.”

Boy… relatable, am-i-right? I myself am working on some ‘correcting’ of those earlier years (oh, the 20’s…) as I gracefully 🙂 approach 50.

I’ve learned a lot about myself over the last decade and this last handful of years has been the most challenging. I guess things just start to happen in our 40’s that ring a bell for a lot of us. Mine really coincides with spiritual growth on many levels. Working on the spiritual, soul healing, aspects/path that is hand-in-hand with all that 'regular stuff'!! Oh my!

But I know I'll figure it out! Intuition and me... we go way-back! We're best buds and as-of-late... things are getting stronger, relationship is getting built better, and the trust...

Yes, the trust!

So, as I get this motor-boat started and head on out to the open waters with my journaling here… I have no idea how the waters will be. Yup, the metaphors, aren’t they great? I can only be hopeful that journaling my: learning, experiences, experiments, and the growth-inducing fun that is my life – is share-worthy. Maybe even… helpful in some way.

🙂 ❤

Peace and Love

Photo by Tobias Bjørkli on


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