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Hello Chakras!

Our chakra system is upgraded, still upgrading, and will be for a while. The odds of this continually shifting as we work towards ascension is probably pretty-good. 🙂 It is part of the new-human experience, our ascension, and an integral part of our higher dimensional bodies. Not only does this upgrading have an effect on our system we know and love but will have once ‘quiet’ chakras coming on-line and becoming new.

Along with our 'classic-seven' chakras we have, for example, our higher-heart or thymus coming on-line; as well as the chakra on the back of the neck-to-head, the occipital lobe. These are not new but for most they have been lying dormant. Higher consciousness chakras require higher consciousness! The wave of awakening to higher consciousness is helping allow more to access and open-up to these. And there are changes, shifts, beyond even these examples!

We have a new energy system developing within us for our higher consciousness life. It will be (or trying to) operating way before our physical body has caught-up. There will be a need to allow for integration, converting, adapting/adjusting... for our crystalline-light body, our physical bodies, and our multi-dimensional living. Many of us have been probably feeling this over the last several years as these adjustments started pre-2012.

Integration, activation/assimilation, and awareness of this newer version (chakras and our body) will be beneficial, for sure! Since it will be a necessary part of the ascension of our carbon-based physical body into/along-with our crystalline/light body, healing this energy system will be required. Headaches, neck aches, upper body issues (to name a few)… the energy would like to come in. :-) It’s trying to come in. Most likely, you are blocking it from doing so if the aches and pains seem to be persistent. (p.s. not medical advice, at all!)

Shifts are happening – right now – in the body; ascension ‘symptoms’. Our physical bodies are doing the best they can with what they got. And what they got is you. You are commander of your ship. Now would be a great time to do a check-in, a body-scan, a once-over ... whatever you want to call it. You can be earthly/3D about it and get an actual check-up (physically head-on-out to a doctor, nothing wrong with that; we all have choices. Sometimes - it's exactly what is needed - follow your intuition).

Or tune in to yourself and energetically, intuitively do a scan. There’s also that balance of doing both. Whatever you choose to do – it’s time to start the communication with your physical body. If you haven’t already. Things are shifting energetically which means things might be shifting – in you. I’m going to take a hard guess and say – mostly likely yes, they are.

Awareness of this will benefit you in the long run. Those that know that the adjustments are among us and happening won’t be freaking-out. Curious, yes; it’s hard not to be! But also knowing to integrate the adjustments, upgrades, downloads and all the intense higher frequencies, love and, yes... the light that comes flooding in (into our bodies as well as the planet). Getting rest when needed, allowing the space for yourself, and meditation is going to be (and is) the prescription for this!

With our beloved earth on its fast track of ascension – chakra upgrading has already ensued. There is work to be done when matching (aligning-with) the higher dimensional frequencies; slow and steady, with ease and grace. This will be a process over time, we humans need some time. I mean, we are literally coming out of a l-o-n-g slumber! Hibernation for eons might be a good analogy!

Those that already have a foot out the 3D door, and have been in higher vibrational/dimensional living, will have a few of these higher conscious chakras active.

Our consciousness may be in-expansion-mode but our physical-body will take time in the transitioning. We are in physical form, we are humans, and we are dense. It’s been quite a while since we have had some major evolution going on. Yes, where we are heading, is major. So, in order to not implode or blow-up during this amazing ascension path – we will be receiving what we need when we need it.

This also varies from person to person. Some will get hit with blasts and do fine, some will wonder – what the heck is going on?! Some days it feels like a gentle breeze to you but to someone else it’s knocking them on their ass. Regardless of your speed of integration there will be a continual flow of frequencies, energies and plasma-light coming to us and the planet. It’s not stopping anytime soon. Your job is to allow, if you choose to do so.

Be gentle with yourself, learn to care, nurture and have self-love. You have to start with you. Many of us have lived most of our lives for other(s). Meaning we put ourselves at the bottom of the list.

Example: moms have a tendency to do this with children/family. It is truly time to turn the list over and put yourself at the very top! Your self-care and love spreads out to those around you as love.

Your chakra system is really a great guide if you need a place to start. Opening up and healing the heart reflects outward just as much as it does inward!

There is always time to tune-in to yourself even with kids. Meditate with your infant! I wish I knew this when my kiddos were babies. Does napping count? The babies coming in right now are already evolved, it’s an exciting time!

So, meditating with them – I bet they would LOVE that! 🙂

Photo by Gratisography on


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