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It’s More Than Just Hot Outside!

Residing in the PNW during this ‘heat dome‘ (for the last 2 weeks) has had me feeling the drain (energy, physically, mentally). When it’s over 100 degrees outside – it can affect a lot of things! I am really beginning to feel the extreme’s I reside in (in more ways than one, wink-wink). From 10, 15 and even 20 below zero during the Jan/Feb months to apparently 90’s and above!! just 3 months later! Eeeeek! My physical body is already exhausted!

Here I was thinking – sure, there’s already energetic-things swirling around-me 🙂 (this is probably true for many of us that are feeling these ascension energies in various ways) but add-in to the mix… this high-heat!! Oh my! Sleeping is tough.

We do have AC and this has been very-well appreciated and thanked-for! But we actually keep it set on the rather high side of AC (like, about… 80-ish) so that it isn’t running 24/7 right now! The last thing we would want to happen is this unit straining and thus, potentially, having break-down issues.

It’s 80 in the house, but very appreciated when coming in from the 100+ outside! I guess I am just not acclimated towards these Arizona temps! 🙂 But why would I be? I live in the mountains of the north west!

So, sleep… it has been a bit of a toss n’ turn situation as of late. But then, in retrospect of the last handful of years… it seems this has been going on for awhile!

I love this blog-post of Lisa Renee’s perspective (she nailed-it!) 🙂 of the sleeping situation for, probably, a lot of us that feel, sense, and know we are in some new, ‘challenging’, times.

Challenging as in: this new ascension cycle, we are all ‘new’ here (with ascension), we are experiencing several physical aspects of and through – change. What was once understood through third dimensional thought and ‘facts’ has gone-out-the-window! Unlearning what we have been taught, programmed, and lead to believe – all so we can re-learn, remember, and trust in (whatever) our new/Now Truth is. I really do love the quote: “and the truth shall set you free”. Sure, it comes from the Bible (that has been manipulated and tainted) but the words really are… golden! 🙂

It truly is an amazing time! I really am super-stoked to BE HERE, Now, in this early stages and phases of the ascension cycle! I catch myself tearing-up with absolute joy and awe some days because it’s justsoawesome!

I am awake for it, first and foremost! I continue each day with: love, joy, happiness, and absolute desire to want to know more – in my heart and through my cells! I feel I am a student of Earth, an experiencer, and an experimenter! Letting the heart-space and connection to my God-Self steer and navigate me ‘down here’ has been the blessing-of-all-blessings!

I thank God multiple times daily for my… everything! The good with the ‘bad’ (bad in quotes because – what is truly bad? It’s all about perception/perspective and the understanding of ‘it‘ – whatever it is in that moment).

Which brings me back to this heat and the sleep! 🙂

It’s been rough… but I understand it’s temporary, it’s changing, there will be shifting and transitions in regards to all-things-sleep-state! There is comfort in the knowing. There is also a sense of calm when there is knowing that it’s not just a ‘me’-thang! Many of us are adjusting and working through and with – not only our sleep cycles/states – but a whole lot more physical aspects then that! Shift/change can be a little uncomfortable, but feeling (knowing/sensing) the support and nurturing guidance with my Higher-Self and Ascension Team(s) for my expansion… I love this! And I love that I KNOW this! 🙂

So, this earthly-summer, right now… ya, I’ll just turn on an extra fan!


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