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I had fun doing the February ‘random-ness’ that I just have to do one for March; my birth month.


I already have a passion for this month beyond just being born in it. It’s the spring equinox – and to me… that is the true ‘new year’ day!

I look forward to when the manipulated, manmade, altered/adjusted calendar gets straightened out and is corrected! When we live by – the true seasons of equinox’s and solstices; the true Divine order of the flow here on earth!

I wonder if this would happen in my lifetime? Hmmm, probably not, but – ya never know. We’re already standing-up to getting that damn daylight-savings bull-shizz corrected! But until then, yes, there is that faux new year’s we all celebrate that happens January 1st; and for those of us that are more earthly-guided over linear-calendar-guided: vernal equinox (northern hemisphere), on the 20th (this year) is the real new-start and fresh-ness. Yay!


This month I add another digit to my physical-incarnate years here. Also, a ‘new year’ celebration for me! Yay! According to my mother, I was supposed to be an April baby – but I came early! Like a head strong (Aries) ram… I’m comin’ in hot! LOL! Apparently I really needed to ‘get here’ and get going because not only was I ‘early’ but I was also breech (feet first)… and why not add to the chaos a big ole blizzard/snow storm to make the travels a bit rough!

I joke that I wanted out! Out of my mother’s hostile womb, not that I necessarily wanted to be here ‘early’! I won’t delve into that subject in this post. But just know – she was never any kind of ‘mom of the year'.

But I have forgiven; so I will move on….

Since I was ‘technically’ supposed to be an April baby; I will admit, I’ve had a fondness for April just as much as I do March. There is a vibe there, a March-to-April vibe that is energetic to me. I find just as many things about April-Aries resonating as I do March-Aries. And as of late I am even resonating more and more with my Sidereal sign of Pisces (March 13 to April 12); it has been becoming a truer resonating ‘sign’ for me. But I will save that conversation for another time. If you aren’t already confused by the random-ness spilling out on this page... I will reel it in and try to stay focused. Focused by chatting a little bit about those designated plants and gems attached to March.

A notable numerology tid-bit is that March is the 3 month (again, only because the calendar has been altered for it to be) and when I break my name down, numerically, I am also a 3 (life path number 3). Life path numbers are a fun addition to know. If you want to know more about yourself, according to numerology, there are ‘calculators’ all over the net. Do a search (numerology life path number), then do some math!


A 3 for example:

3 = Optimistic individual who is filled to the brim with creativity and energy. As a result, 3 carries vibrations of self-expression, playfulness, and independence/free spirit. On the downside – there is restlessness, lack of direction, and can have childish tendencies.

I don’t know about that… hahaha! Lack of direction might be getting confused with issues of ADD/ADHD (just sayin’).

Now, where was I?


Getting back to some March number fun! And these are all how you look at them. Some are just strong 3 vibes, like the 3rd day of the 3rd month. And then there are a few days that can add up to some fun 3 vibes! These aren’t including any Universal year math (this is a 7 year)… just month and day.

3-3, 3-9 (3+9 = 12 : 1+2 = 3), 3-18 (3+1+8 = 12 : 1+2= 3), 3-27 (3+2+7 = 12 : 1+2 = 3), 3-30

Looks like some potent creative/creation days amped-up within the month of 3-power:

The Pisces water (flow), imaginative, self-expressive, connected; and Aries fire (passion), impulsive, self-esteem, leadership, assertiveness.

Mixed in with equinox-‘new year’ new-ness energies! That spring-clock thing! It’s all kinds of good!

Light some fires and kick some tires everyone!


The signs and pretties...


Western: Pisces & Aries

Pisces: Feb 19 – Mar 20; Aries: Mar 21 – Apr 19

Sidereal/Vedic: Aquarius & Pisces

Aquarius: Feb 12 – Mar 12; Pisces: Mar 13 – Apr 12; Aries: Apr 13 – May 14


The modern/current/popular birthstone for the month of March: Aquamarine and bloodstone.

Before aquamarine was heralded as the over-all birthstone of March - in the ancient calendars, bloodstone was the zodiac stone for Aries and Pisces, both of which corresponded with March as a whole.

They both have similar attributes of: protection, strength, youthfulness and vitality/health. In other cultures/calendars, some other stones that represent March: Jasper and Jade.

For zodiac: Pisces – Jade; Aries – Bloodstone, Jasper; for both: the aquamarine

*I do adore the aquamarine gem-of-the-month! :-) Always loved it – and all the pretty blue gems and stones to be honest. My favorite above all: turquoise! <3

Birth, or March represented, flower -

Daffodils: new beginnings, faithfulness, luck, prosperity, and hope

Any medicinal properties to these?

You bet! More often than not – we are told these beauties are toxic and poisonous. And, they are on the edge of ‘danger’ for internal consumption. They can be pretty lethal when consumed in abundance, improperly, etc.

So, with any plant… do your homework, study up before you head out to forage/harvest and utilize any plant you vaguely know about. Personally, I wouldn’t even play with the notion of consuming this flower… even though it has been used to induce vomiting; that sounds like: what it does (and its main use) when eaten. I think I’ll skip it.

I’ll leave the extracting, using, eating, drinking components of this flower at the back of my list-of-plants to utilize (internally) for now. There are several others in the plant kingdom that can offer up the same healing abilities that match the daffodils – that aren’t as borderline ‘playing-with-fire’ kind-of vibe! LOL!

It is cool to know that - these do offer more than just their smiling faces in the spring gardens! They have been used medicinally since the Greek days of Hippocrates and his herbal/plant/health wisdom! Topically (as an oil) for skin/tumor ailments and issues. This sounds like a flower they probably put in their bath water and just soaked in it.

Healing in ancient time ...and healing in modern time - there are studies coming out about the daffodils abilities to squash cancer cells and for treating Alzheimer’s. Pretty cool!

Besides its power-toting constituent of hemanthamine that knocks cancer cells into oblivion, it has all the other classic anti’s on its list: antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, antitumor and insecticidal.

But until further notice – I will stick to: just enjoying them as they are, where they are; in the moment. That too, is powerful stuff!

Additionally to the daffodil there are the zodiac-connected flowers/plants of March as well.

Aries flower:

March born: Honeysuckle, thistle, daisies

April born: Tiger Lily, Daisies, Poppies, the red Rose

And what else is there to randomly compile about March?

I’m sure there is all kinds of stuff!!


Like St Patrick's Day; a day that was this weird fun growing up. Wear green, wear red. Getting pinched or kissed. Eating some corned beef dinner with potatoes and kraut. Irish ancestry on my dad’s side – we honored the day in what-ever way we could. This American made holiday sure has gotten out of control over the decades. But, so has most commercialized ‘celebrations’, right?

Even though I don’t really do as much ‘Paddy day’ stuff like I used to – you will still find me sporting green and having a hankerin’ for corned-beef for dinner!


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