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New Decade Ahead!

It’s a Zero-Year!

This weekend’s Cosmic energies are (as always) here to help our ascension; keep the momentum moving forward (and UPward)! All this planetary action happening is kind-of a BIG deal. Maybe partly due to the fact that many of us actually have a deeper awareness about it (than we ever have before). The last time we had Saturn and Pluto conjunct was in 1982. In ’82… most likely: it was parties going on and planets ‘conjunct-ing’ each other was not the topic of discussions.

Speaking of living in excess…

As the 3D matrix continues dissolving (those that choose/allow) the ascension path will constantly be exposing for themselves (bringing-up) any fears/blocks, what no longer works/is needed, or belongs in multi-dimensional living. These processes are not going stop but they can get a little easier.

This is the decade for mass-transformation; goes hand-in-hand with waves of awakening throughout humanity.

This is the year to begin/build a good strong foundation. For… wherever you see yourself BEing or DOing as your future-self. Yes, it’s a ‘4’ year (2+0+2+0=4) but it’s also a ‘zero’ year. Year zero of this amazing decade we have entered. Clean-up that ground floor now in preparation for your Divine manifestations ahead! Think of it as a good prep-work year.

Building/having a good foundation, starting now (if you haven’t already), can help bring the ease and grace transformation for you (and for the collective) for this upcoming ‘building block’ decade. There will be lots of 'taking out the trash', yes! While simultaneously working on 'the repairs'.

What will be happening in the years ahead is setting the stage for the higher consciousness/collective to anchor in. Each passing year – it (unity consciousness) will get a stronger hold. We are a team with Gaia. It’s all becoming structurally sound as we work/live/ascend together. More people will wake up to the consciousness of: Love, caring, nurturing, support, community, sharing, health and wellness just to name a few.

The babies being born now (and have been) are already of higher consciousness; evolved, if you will. And you guessed it – they won’t be takin’ anybody’s bullshit. They already KNOW, they already ARE, they are the 'New Earth' evolution. Us ‘old folks’ have a little more work to do. That's just how it goes when we chose to Be here Now. To be the team members and warriors on-the-ground and down in the trenches! We are the 'garbage men and women', bustin' ass, to take out the trash! We want to get things cleaned up and better for all the next gens of humanity coming in now. Heck, we might even be coming back down here for another round once we're done with this particular 'tour-of-duty'. I'm pretty sure - we're all going to want it to be better the next time around!

But what fun! This is the BEST kind of work! I’m excited to get up every morning and work on my-Self, be in-Service for the Divine, be the light that I am, and radiate Love.

That motivational question we’ve all heard: what gets you up and out of bed every morning and puts a spring in your step? Ascension! 🙂 Hello!! Yes, it also can keep you up all night too! Hahaha. 🙂 Fun! Good, clean, tired fun!

Your ascension path will be riddled (pun intended) 🙂 with various lessons/healing opportunities. No more burying or ‘putting on a shelf’ for later. These issues/wounds/traumas etc. have to be acknowledged and healed. They… have to!

If you raised your hand for ascension here – the path before you requires healing; and most of it is emotional (if not all). It doesn’t matter how dark and scary you think all of your traumas were/are – they must be healed. Some of us will venture down this rabbit-hole by ourselves, some will want and/or need help/assistance; and there is also that somewhere in-between were having help now and then is helpful but you do great work on your own. There is no wrong way to do any of this and any of your healing.

But at the end of the day, though... it truly IS 100% all You; only you can absolutely heal You.

As long as you are truly gaining growth, self-authenticity, self-love and compassion. Compassion for yourself as well as others. Also love for others, connecting to the Divine, and know (deeply, truly know) you are clearing and releasing the trauma(s); there will be a lot of forgiveness going on. You’ll actually know you are making great progress when it no longer ‘triggers’ you and you become the observer (it is what it is, you are neutral, you observe).

Easier said than done? Not really. Letting fear ‘take you’ and keep you from your healing is – already appearing for you to get started. The fear keeping you from even wanting to get going on your healing is something coming up for you to acknowledge. Thus – beginning your journey! Meet your fear and have a conversation with it. This is where all those years of talking to yourself really pays off! 🙂 Start off with the basics and ease into anything further that comes up for you. The best ice-breaker: ‘Why?’ – such a simple question that can yield great results. The other classics, that never go out of style: what, where, when and who – can initiate this journey for you.

It’s scary, I know, I’ve been there. Not to mention, I still find myself going ‘there’. I’m not done either. I’ve had some traumas and deep wounds just come-right-up for me as plain-as-day! 'They' don't care what time of day it is, what you are in the 'middle of'... when it is time, it's time! Mister-Obvious they were. I guess it’s time to work on it! There are also traumas that are buried so deep that you don’t know where to start (usually because you didn’t even know they are there). Don’t forget the family/ancestral/lineage work too. This is where healing/spending time with your inner-child can open up so many things for healing that you might not realize you even needed to heal!

I can’t stress this enough: Meditation, meditation, and more… meditation! This will become your mandatory activity! In actuality, you will want to! You will miss it when you don’t.

One of the more important human activities right now should be all the emotional healing that needs to take place. And it will. Everyone is on their own path and at their own speed. There is already the healing work of balancing the feminine and masculine. This is awesome and it will continue, it's part n' parcel to the over-all polarity balancing/repair. That’s a global trauma (female energy suppression) that has been deeply engrained into the system for so long… it will be a gradual but continual healing, and balancing, bringing harmony on many levels.

This year of a lot of ‘2’ action has the energies of balancing, polarities, peaceful, diplomatic, and harmonizing. This radiates out across the board individually, globally, through consciousness, and throughout the Universes.

Globally: We are going to witness a lot of dark, negative agenda, fears, lies and deceitful tactics be exposed as the vibration of earth rises and the collective continue our ascension in Divine love and in Divine light. The shake-ups will be ‘real’ and can feel traumatic for some. From governments, financial institutions, corporations and big pharma – no stone will be left unturned as we progress throughout the decade and into the next. The light will reach all corners. If this kind of stuff ‘gets to you’ please give yourself the time to process (try not to absorb anything personally – that becomes trapped emotions and we are working hard right now to release all of those!), meditate, seek counseling if needed, comfort in/with others that care. Remember that you are Love and you are Light. You are also – never alone. Meditation with connection to the Divine and your spirit-team(s) is always ‘on-tap’!

Individually/personally: The time is now for continued healing, clearing what no longer serves, releasing negativity (anything low vibrational) and replacing all with Divine light and love. It’s the best time to really set and anchor in your intentions for your amazing future self and begin (keep) taking the right, true, successful steps towards your Divinity! On this 'new' earth – your future self is sovereign Divinity! If you choose poorly here and there (maybe by accident because your intuition was a little ‘off’ that day) the Universe will help course-correct you. No worries – you’ll be fine. Allow the assistance, get in the flow, be your authentic self, stay positive, keep the connection active with your higher-self, the Divine, your ascension/guidance team(s).

And as always: remember you are Love and you are loved. Your uniqueness and light is needed. Even if you feel like you aren’t ‘doing much’ – it is different for everyone. Just being your awesome self is Divine! And I am glad you are here.

Photo by Ylanite Koppens on


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