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Stop the Insanity!

Humanity needs to wake up and be very aware of the transhumanism agenda. If you keep getting the jab – you will continue to alternate your DNA (among other things)!

The brief article at doctor Mercola’s website offers a shout-out towards more manipulation tactics/concepts/activities that are coming to a hospital-near-you! The many that keep following along – like sheep – subjecting themselves to this continual abuse, will definitely have more problems than they bargained for (immediately or over time).

New DNA Vaccine Uses ‘PharmaJet’ Technology – within the article these words should be scaring people: …It operates by transferring a genetically modified blueprint of viral genes into small DNA molecules for injection into persons being vaccinated.

We are all giving ‘consent‘ right now (and have been for awhile) as to where we will ascend to. I am fully aware that many are choosing to – not ascend; hence the (probably) many many sleepy-sheeples and those with g.o.a.t.-mind mentality. But even then: there is always a chance to awaken! You always have choice!

These are and will be some very interesting times of observation in the ever-evolving mix of healing, repair and spiritual/soul growth and consciousness expansion. For ourselves personally/individually and as a collective with earth.


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