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Summer L<3ve

June and July, and on into August, have been a bit of a roller-coaster ride for integration and assimilation! As the continual ascending path can bring about a myriad of things… this current ‘unknown’ we are living is obviously one-for-the-books! In a good way, of course!

I’ll write in my blog instead of a ‘book’ (for now, anyway! I will keep the possibility open).☺

I’ve been reserving energy, not to mention – I’ve been feeling the tired.

Around the time of (and since) the total solar eclipse of April – the intensity of purging, clearing (for recalibration) has amplified for me. And I am thankful that I have an understanding of the general ascension and what’s going on for us and feeling the feels within our physical bodies. It is general… because it is SO vast and… like most of us - I don’t know what I don’t know – but I actively work to heal all aspects of Me; thus, the recall of my cellular memory(s). I am gaining more clarity and I am in love with that!

Before, during and after (as always) the solstice/summer solstice – some more of the physicality’s of the energetics has come to my awareness. This is aspects of light-body to physical manifestation body. Cause and effect? Sure! I work the energetic aspects, heal the miasma, neutralize the trauma(s)… before and/or after it shows up in the physical! Hard to describe – but I know what I am meaning! LOL!

People think the outside world is crazy!!?? Those of us that are on the spiritual ascension path are working diligently, trusting (in the weirdness), following our hearts and our guidance to become one, unity, to/with/on our inner, inscension, Self right now… that is the crazy! ☺

Exterior shenanigans and theatrical games being played-out are all a distraction – as 'they', the negative agenda, loses control of their ‘everything’! Forget all of that… that is to keep people asleep, distracted and in the chaos as ‘they’ continue to divide and conquer. The plan all along was to keep control so we don’t ‘find ourselves’ and take back our own control, our power and our sovereignty! I don’t know how others are truly doing these days but I see the smoke n’ mirror show, the circus. It’s actually starting to become laughable how poorly the acting is and how sloppy the productions are! I see things differently and as others awaken to truth(s)… they begin to see the lies as well.

So, anyway…

While all the outer-world wild west antics play out – I find myself going even deeper with-IN. Solidifying connections, correcting/healing, connecting stronger and working diligently towards my own levels of the multi-dimensional Self that I am. This is what we all need to be doing these days!

My path has brought me to (and continues to do so) some interesting epiphanies, moments of clarity(s), next-level/deeper healing aspects, and the lovely awareness’s that have me feeling more and more in this synchronicity-state and alignment! It’s not all bliss though! In fact – I am thinking most these amazing things came after some sort of ‘human state’ (whatever it happened to be at the time: physical issue or a body pain, mental or emotional block, etc). Although I meditate… a LOT – it’s the processing that naturally unfolds during the ‘processing’ of something else! LOL! So hard to explain – but it is what happens!

I just go with the flow! Being in flow… is also what we all need to be doing these days!

Allow the flow and BEing in the Now. Giving up the 'over-powering' thinking mind, the ego mind, the control and the analytics! This can be a round-and-round scenario with my Self sometimes – as I tend to want to break things down into these little chucks as I examine! To compartmentalize! LOL!

Information is great… but wanting to and trying to know, see and understand at every single angle can be exhausting. And I don’t actually NEED to know all the details. I just don’t.

I am learning to let go of having the answer first and then breaking down the pathway to, and seeing how, I got there. It sounds autistic, but it’s not and I am not. Not quite sure when or where I picked up that little ‘habit’-nugget… but I know I’ll pin-point the details somewhere down along my healing path.

I do feel it started after my NDE, because it was around that time when I could see the end results of various things; I just knew the answer, the information – but wasn’t sure how I got there.

Well, I think I just answered my own question. LOL!

*Lovely sunshine and sunflower pic courtesy of Pixabay


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