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Sun Fun Journal 12-27 to 1-2-21

12-27 to 12-31

…and 1-1, 1-2 of 2021

The last week; seriously… it IS the last week of 2020!

Also… the first ‘week’ (or two days) of 2021!

Continued Sun-Gaze and Meditation experiment-adventure.

** **I am of Solar-Consciousness** **


We have entered the last week of the month and the year!

Will there be Sun?

I hope so!

It’s not starting off that way. It was snowing most of the day and thick, low, grey clouds (when it wasn’t snowing). There would be no sun-gazing today. Or even seeing where it could be! That’s how thick the clouds were.

My 12:27 moments of Zen consisted of: thinking of my son and trying to call him at this time. It’s his birthday! This is totally where my mind and heart were at! With messaging of needing to connect later this afternoon – I left the 12:27 ‘bubble’ with happy, peaceful thoughts of love for my baby boy (who is an adult – but my kiddos will always be my sweet-babies)! 🙂

The 2 pm sun gaze, yup – it was a no-go. I would be outside doing some snow-shovel work. The snow can pile up quick around here. We keep most walking areas as clear as we can. We also had residual snow from when we were gone. My workout routine in the winter months consists of a lot of snow shovel work. There have been times when I am out there for a couple of hours! Yup, a couple of hours! Between the driveway, parking area, walking areas and we also keep our deck cleared – it can add-up! Today there was no pause at 2 for a face full of sunshine… there wasn’t any. Being outside though… bonus. Connection with earth, even though she’s frozen in our neck-of-the-woods, is still very important. Grounding in-to Gaia – always good!

Fingers crossed for some blue sky and rays of light this week!

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I am happy to see those blue skies today! It is true… sunshine, blue skies and rays on the face are mood boosters, and happy enhancers!

It’s really bright out as the sun is bouncing off all the white snow. Warming up just enough to melt a little bit off.

My 12:28 meditation and/or moment of Zen was filled with journaling at that time. Paying attention to the clock – I was writing, noticed what time it was, but stayed in my zone. Journaling is an awesome way to spend quality time with yourself! True moment of inner-reflection as I was journaling about a few things, taking some notes, jotting ideas down, etc. A nice 12:28 for sure!

As for the 2pm-ish sun-gazing: what a lovey sunny sky! She was real pretty today! I am already noticing that it is sitting higher in the sky and it’s only been a week since the Solstice. I love the violet rays blending in with the rainbow light. What a beautiful Sol we have – sending it’s high frequencies to us.

Very Divine, indeed.


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You’re a cloudy one today. We have snow coming in! This will be a quick jotting of notes.

My 12:29 meditation: I was in the middle of my Pilates session. This equals = meditation for me. Gentle body movements and having good conversation with my physical vessel – always good!

I mentioned – cloudy. It was grey and heavy clouds all day. No sun-gazing at 2. I did, however, get myself outside between 2:30 and 3 getting a wood hauling chore done and breathing fresh, albeit really cold, air! Nice.

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As family (my kiddos) starts rolling in these next two days (for the New Year) I will do my best to have my time-zone moments and we’ll see if we have clear sunny days! Snow is in the forecast…

The 12:30 meditation: Cleaning house! Is there Zen in that? Hahaha… sometimes there is, it is what you make it. Today – I think so. I was cleaning and thinkin’ about the kiddos and the next few days of their presence here, at home. Feeling the love, for sure!

As for the 2-ish sun-gazing: I hit-it a little before 2 today. There was some cloud clearing and the sun was coming through! I took advantage of this (knowing that it won’t last long as the snow is coming in real soon!). It was snowing most the morning so – this was a nice treat to have it clear up a little bit! Yay!

It would be a short session. It was clouded and brief… but, like I mentioned, utilized the moment! I will note here: within minutes of my session, the heavy clouds began to cover the skies again! Yup, I think I nailed-it for the day! It felt good to see and gaze at the sunlight offered. It always puts a spring-in-my-step!

12-30-20 – I see a heart shaped cloud/sun combo!

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Well, we are here! I made it, you made it, we made it! 2020 has come to a close.

I would like to give thanks, gratitude and appreciation for the year 2020. So many people are calling the year a ‘crazy shit show’ and, ya, it probably was. If you look at and focus on all the exterior chaos. I saw it as the Shadow being revealed, the Dark Night for the collective. I had a good year, in fact, it was a great year! It really is – how you see it and let it affect you.

Yes, I live in the sticks, the country side… actually – the mountains. I was removed from a LOT of the fear, chaos and pandemonium. I don’t watch tv or have a mind controlled by the media. Info was controlled by me, when I wanted it. We grow a lot of our own food and only ventured out to the store occasionally (even during the peak of shut-downs and ‘quarantines’ – it was sparse) when necessities ran out. We did cut our socializing back but it was only small planned things this last year anyway. Just a couple of family functions; small family functions!

We knew we had a busy year ahead of us, right here (at our homestead) that we actually didn’t do any over-planning, schedule in events, gatherings, travel… it worked out… really well for us. We were home and needed to be home, getting things done. Does the Universe work in mysterious ways? Well, I believe the Universe puts you where you need to be when you need to be there. Divine timing. Looking back at 2019 – it was setting us up perfectly to need to be home, get some things done; not plan trips, not plan extra activities, etc. We did a lot of that in 2019. Thus creating that compelling urge to NOT plan and to keep the calendar damn near cleared/empty for 2020.

This has a lot to do with why I/we had a pretty good year. We got some things taken care of around here that have been waiting in line… for a while! Meanwhile, while we worked on things tangibly and physically… I was (and always am) working on my-Self. Healing, purging, cleansing, clearing… repair, readjust, revitalize, integrate, attune, and align! The spiritual work had some intense moments this year and I appreciate every single second of it all!

I was feeling the 2020 purge, cleanse and reveal personally (like everyone was); for me, I knew what was happening and what to do with the energies. Many awakening or not awakening – were most likely in a constant WTF? vibe. This is where some confusion and ‘craziness’ will take over, if you let the mind/ego mind take the wheel. Letting intuition and inner-knowing (heart-soul) take the wheel is what needs to be happening.

I was developing even deeper awareness, knowing, and trust this past year. And it was wonderful! So, thank you 2020… you might not be getting the Love you truly deserve through the masses; but I get-you. I appreciate you.

And just what kind of vibes was I noticing for today; the last day of 2020…

My 12:31 meditation: so good! I first went out to sun-gaze at the 12:31 moment. Capture a couple of pics then decided to go finish meditation in the house. It was quiet and I could do this easily this afternoon. I allowed myself a good, deeper healing session. I wanted to end-the-year right! I am thankful I was allowed this opportunity!

The 2 pm-ish sun-gaze: I went out a little after 2, more in the 2:15-ish zone. I did a little more gratitude while gazing at the sunlight. Also… another pic or two. Just enjoying the warm sun even though we were having a cold day! All in all – the moments of pause today were good, if not great!

In general, it is a Master number 11 day! And how fun is that?! Sending out the frequencies of next-level growth and recalibration, alignment, to that which is available to me. This is part of my thoughts all day!

Super awesome! Yes! Great last day of the month and the year!

Now – I go enjoy the family-time for the evening! ❤

12-31 at 12:31

12-31-20 After 2pm

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The 1st of 2021!

Happy New Year! This is the year of the energetic number 5… change, transitions, freedom and flow! May it be a blessed one!

The day was full of family bonding/hanging out and enjoying each others company.

As for what it physically looked like outside: very grey and cloudy – the snow showed up not too long after the noon-hour.

My sun-gaze would be out for the day and my 1:01 time frame meditation was actually my inner-monologue of feeling Love, and having good/fun times with the fam! Still matching the date with the time – it jumped to 1:01! If I keep this fun little experiment up all year, eventually my date time and meditation time will line up perfectly with sun-gazing! Sun-gazing is varied throughout the year as the intensity of the Sun adjusts, so does the time I do it!

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How is the second day of the year looking? It’s another grey one; another non-sun-gaze day. We’ve been getting some snow. This is a quick entry:

Another meditation time-zone of just feeling gratitude. I thanked my body for being healthy, strong, and ‘healed’. We had some activities going on today and the inner-monologue style meditation is what happened for me. I do these a lot, throughout every day really. Inner-‘mind’/heart-talk connecting with my higher Self.

Spending the last holiday-day with the family was a good one! I love that we all love hanging out together! This is one of the greatest Gratitude’s in my life! ❤

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Wrapping it all up:

Well, my experience of the short and sweet experiment was kind of a fun one! I closed out the year and also brought in the year doing at least two things that I love doing: meditation (in its various ways) and sun-gazing (to the best of the opportunities provided).

I might keep this up! I might see if the year flows with this running-in-the-background. This is what I call – good programming! 🙂 I know I will have times/days where I don’t, or I forget, especially summer (it gets busy)! I usually get a gazing session in but a relaxed meditation session is most common at my bedtime. That end of the day; everything is done, bedtime Zen! 🙂

This was fun. I was definitely keeping myself accountable as each day and matching-time were something I set an intention to do. Maybe I make this my annual December practice. I would be ending each year with this fun little ritual (that word is not my favorite to use – but… whatever).

So, did I notice any real ‘booster’ power matching the day and time? There were some moments where I had more intense energies than others. Can I directly connect those together – not sure if I could. Do I really need to? No. 🙂 Meditation at anytime can be potent.

It’s what you’re ready for when you are ready!

Divine right timing. If that just happens to be 12:30 on 12-30… okay! 🙂

❤ ❤ ❤


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