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Here comes the Sun!

Yay! I love summer, it’s the best time (for me and where I live) to be out in it all day(s), every day! It is a short-ish season – so, I soak up as much natural vitamin D as I can get! May to August seems pretty traditional for ‘summer’. Around here it can be June to August… and even that can be sketchy! I do live in the mountains of the Pacific Northwest – any season can be a little ‘off’, if you will. 🙂

This year has been feeling like a normal-weather type year. Yes, it is only May but we are having a spring, an actual spring! The snow melted off in March and we were seeing the grasses and things were green by April! As long as I have lived in this particular area (10 years now) there has always been snow slowly melting off in April. So… this is pretty cool!

I am thinking (and hoping) that my vitamin D levels will be in the normal range this year! It is hard to get enough conversion from the sun when it’s usually cloudy, gray and wet than when it’s blue skies and sunny out!

I like the saying: when my shadow is bigger than me – no vitamin D. I adopted this phrase many years ago. I recall teaching my kids this phrase as well. If you are outside and your shadow is taller or ‘bigger’ than you – the sun is not offering up those wonderful vitamin D making rays. If you are out and about and your shadow is a shorty – or about the same size as you – you are receiving the vitamin D making UVB.

It’s a good indicator for how things are going! The sun don’t lie! 🙂 Early morning or late afternoons, when your shadow gets lengthy and long… there is no conversion going on; wrong kind of rays at those times. This is also common during the winter – the sun just doesn’t get high enough or hot enough for you to be getting your ‘short-shadow’. This also depends on where you live. This isn’t a hard-core truth/fact. It really is about – location!

I am pondering more and more… hitting up warmer climates or tropical climates for the winter months! If you can be there (or already live there!) your D levels should be pretty good (one would think). But if you are a sunscreen user; it’s all for not! Ooops!

It’s also interesting how most recently vitamin D has been making some rounds on the ‘news’ about its health benefits (it keeps your immune system healthy, cardiovascular health, mood/hormone enhancer-balancer, and many more lovely things!) but everyone is most likely deficient (a.k.a – the Covid-suffering that is taking place). Well, ya………….

The Sun-shunning has been in place since I can recall back in my youth (the 80’s come to mind). I don’t ever recall such a push for slapping on sunscreen until the latter part of the 80’s. It just wasn’t something we concerned ourselves with. Was there ever an issue with this before? Mmm, I don’t have all the facts – but it seems minimal at best. In my belief/perception – this was all propaganda and scare-tactics to ‘fear’ everyone into covering their skin with chemicals, toxins and plastics to not only shun-the-sun but it is a double-slap… you are also ingesting (through your skin) so many toxins that cause disease, cancers, and issues galore! Is that called a back-handed slap?? Not sure, but when you put all the pieces together it makes sense why ‘they’ were doing what they were doing. But it really was and is ‘evil’ nonetheless.

They’ are whom I refer to as the ‘negative agenda’. They come in all shapes and sizes. But they have a specific goal in mind. To keep the humans from awakening and ascending. They want to keep us all in the dark and under their ‘spells’. This is a vague statement because it alone could be discussed at length at various levels and layers! So, for this little writing here, I will keep it short and sweet and to the point.

Our Sun is a stargate, a portal, and we need it and require it for our awakening/ascension. Not only is it providing physical health and healing elements, it is also working with (healing and unifying) our energy centers, chakras, our 3rd eye (pineal), crown and heart. It is a DNA activator and holds power to… empower us! This beautiful star in the heavens truly is – a power-house on many levels!

They would love to keep us from it, from learning truths, and from utilizing it, being activated by it and just being… healthy and healed by it! Their cover-ups, lies, and deceit are coming to an end. As we awaken and ascend – those that stand-in and hold the light are sharing information, helping others, raising awareness’s and consciousness… this brings about a larger awakening of the human race, globally. The response is: no more lies! Thus the – shining-a-light on the negative (pun intended: sunlight as well as light-light!). The ‘shadows’ and dark agendas will be exposed. Truths will be revealed. The Sun, as well as many other Galaxy/Universe (and multi-dimensional) truths will become an easily accessible knowing, understanding, and part of our new-mind-set (ie. our higher consciousness).

We need sunlight! We need to be exposing our physical vessel to it (sans-sunscreen) to receive the sustenance from it for our overall health and vitality. For our immune system and strength, our bones, our cardiovascular, our respiratory, as well as mood; balance and harmony. This is just a few of the huge list!

I considered making out this list of bullet-points of what the sunshine, the Sun, and vitamin D offers us… but then realized this really could be an entire book. Maybe I recommend – some basic health benefit research for yourself. There are many great places on the web you could do some reading (why reinvent the wheel? The info is already available, and lots of it too!) Maybe hit up a great website called grassrootshealth (dot net) or head on over to Dr. Mercola's website of amazing information!

And as for being of solar consciousness – that’s me! I am of solar consciousness. I support, believe in, I thank it, feel loved and blessed by it. I recognize that it is the Christ-consciousness; a Divine stargate/portal, that it is an activator, a healer, provides sustenance – among many other lovely things!

I truly LOVE the Sun ❤

Photo by Bruno Scramgnon on


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