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The 2019!

The year is coming to completion, not to mention – this decade.

For me, this year was full of learning, experiencing, healing, clearing, releasing, and growth. Healing and the releasing clears out old-energy to make way for Divine energy and light to fill you up! Hopefully this was happening on a constant flow (I’m sure it was). It sure felt like it was! Bringing in higher frequencies and more light for my ascension and evolution is kind-of my ‘thing’ now. For many of us… it is, or soon will be, our ‘thing’. Since it’s were we are headed, it makes sense. There is no going back and why would you even want to. Onward and upward!

This was the year where things really began clicking-in for me. I had spent the previous handful of years (from 2012+) waking up to (and seeking) all the newness, the information, getting educated on so many levels, while dabbling in the Self-healing. I say ‘dabble’ because the first couple of years (in my awakening) I was actually picking and choosing what I wanted to work on and heal. I guess this was fine and it was what it was because I was learning, experimenting, and practicing. 2017/2018 had some huge shifting and transformation for me, I was ready for 2019.

During this past year – I no longer was actually 'choosing' what to work on; it was choosing for me! Things would come to the surface (at seemingly random times! Hahaha :-)) – ‘Is this happening right now?’ I would ask. And immediately know – yes, yes it is! And then I would flow with it, be the observer in it, all while forgiving and loving it (whatever it was). Was there crying going on? Almost always!

I will share a brief example of an experience: I had one super-suppressed childhood trauma come up for me (I know I didn’t consciously choose this! How could I? I didn’t even realize it was there) to be released that I had buried so deep. I was shaking, my body was vibrating with truth, full-on trembles as if I had java-induced caffeine hands; the shakes. I cried, the emotions surrounding it flowed through me quickly; and all of it was from the observer-mode. The lower vibrational moments/thoughts regarding any angers or fears of this – lasted less than a minute; it flowed through me so fast! I held on to none of it. I forgave, I sent it love, and I released!

There is no way I could have handled this particular healing/process even just a year or two ago. I truly love Divine timing! 🙂 I just want to be constantly healing myself because I know… that I am healed. But to get to being healed… you need to have gone through the various processes, purging, forgiving, and loving – for all the healing!

I have been taking the soul retrieval process more seriously this year. I actually didn’t realize how super important this is. I had this thought that – if I am working on the childhood stuff… I would be bringing myself more back into myself (integration). If this makes sense. And – It all goes deeper than this, of course. I didn’t even realize I was doing soul retrieval (that this was what it was actually called) at first. But I was being guided to discover more about this, what it is, and that this is what I am doing. It is all amazing, wonderful, and transforming/shifting.

I am finding that with each trauma (in this incarnate and past lives) we need to fully and consciously retrieve our fragmented soul pieces from that space and place. Then fully, with absolute love and forgiveness, integrate back together; in the Now-eternal-time. Recognize, acknowledge, forgive, thank, love and bless each moment of trauma (small or big) that has caused any kind of soul-loss. Currently a lot of my work has been in regards to my youth/childhood. As I continue to heal, for whatever comes up for me to look at (all in Divine right time), I accept that this IS happening and it’s happening right now! I do not hesitate, I do not resist. I go with it and complete the process. This has been amazing and transformative on many levels for me.

My 2010 to 2019 decade has been all-transformative! In like a lion and out like a lamb… maybe. Not a literal, weather, translation. A metaphor for how my decade started and how I feel like I am completing it. The ‘weather’ was rough at first, crazy for sure! But as I have been learning and healing, understanding and trusting, I am definitely calmer about what is truly going on.

Ascension… is going on!

I am so ready for 2020 and the years that follow. It’s going to be an exciting time individually and as a collective… for sure! Thank you goes out to the 2019 and… setting intentions for amazing growth, healing, evolution and abundance (on all levels) for 2020+!

Love and blessings to all!

Photo by ViTalko on


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