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The Calendar

Yes, it’s the dead-of-winter, but happy 2024… the ‘new year’, if you like that linear stuff.

I am not against this man made calendar; I get it, it’s been around for decades (LOL!) and people seem to dig-it. I’ve been using this system all my life. Doesn’t mean I gotta follow it precisely. And… I don’t.

Over the years I have gravitated towards the four true seasons: the equinoxes and the solstices as the true calendar. And, since I am making it more ‘personal’ I am also throwing into the mix… my birth date – as my authentic-true ‘new year’; which, interestingly enough – is really close to the spring equinox time-frame. To me, pretty cool! :-)   I know that I’m not the only one who flows with this vibe… there are many of us aligning with our own authentic-true-inner ‘calendars’ while we reside here. Like many ‘systems’ we tend to ‘buck’ – the man made calendar and manipulated time on a clock… start to dissolve in a way that might not make sense to those living in the density of the 3D paradigm.  

Readjusting our personal calendars to suit us personally (LOL!) seems to make more sense. The collective dates are all well-n-good for the most part - but for one’s true year…how we ‘cycle’ uniquely but also within the planetary cycles – has imprints, codes, and vibes about it that really can help us and heal us. There is a lot of moving parts, and that’s an understatement. The collective aspects, along with our unique-isms, aligns more with the Cosmic. ‘When stars align…’ – that saying really goes pretty deep if you get past the surface-casualness of it.

Part of my Self-discovery has always been utilizing the stars, the planets, and the zodiacs. I’ve always been in-Love with the stars and had this innate desire to ‘go back home’ – even as a young child. I knew I belonged ‘more out there’ than I did ‘down here’. I didn’t fall down the rabbit-hole of astrology though; it was/has been a casual relationship throughout my life. There when I needed it and ‘forgotten’ when I didn’t; only utilizing what resonated and was true for me (at any given moment). I do truly adore this informational system of astrology, but I am also very aware of its flaws. Of course it’s flawed – the human mind can only cognize and perceive so much; then – we have all the various perspectives given (and on-and-on). This is true for lots of things!

The Western zodiac has been tampered with and manipulated for a very long time, it was devised to ‘control’, fluster, and hinder… it’s not exempt from all the deception, lies, and falsehoods that this planet has been shadowed/burdened with. When 'they' go and omit the ‘13th sign’, Ophiuchus, from the group and then act like it doesn’t even have a reason to be there (hello, Feminine energies!) that is a big red-flag, to be honest.

I’m guessing here, but I think that one of the early phases of spiritual awakening that most people tend to start (or go deeper with) is their ‘zodiac’ and their natal chart. Their star-studded and planetary ‘map’ for their incarnation here. It’s part of that early stage and rounds of questioning we go through; our deeper truth-seeking… of Self and the Universe at-large.

I know there are people that were never into this astrology stuff before - are now kind-of checking it out. Hmmm, maybe there is more to this than a crappy horoscope. Yes, yes there is!

And for me, lately, I have been going deeper with its infinite information – and how it’s causing shift and change for us (at deeper-core levels; knowing or unknowing). As this ascension carries on – the mind-blowing corrections, connections, shifts and changes occurring - is happening throughout our Universe, and Universes upon Universes. Multi-dimensional/ascension shift doesn’t just affect us and earth - it’s getting corrected and repaired beyond what even my brain can comprehend! And that’s ok. I don’t need to know every little detail… I don’t want to know every detail!! LOL! I am a God ‘part-and-a-piece’ here, doing what ‘it’ is that I need to be doing for this ascension shift. Sometimes I get in my head and wonder: what is it that I am actually supposed to be doing?? And then have the calm come over me that reminds me: I’m already ‘doing it’… by BEing here, honoring my awakening by following my healing and spiritual path, holding light, BEing Love, and sharing what I feel compelled to share.

Healing, helping, loving, caring, nurturing, co-creating, experiencing and continually learning! All very fascinating and I am enjoying every Now moment!


******************Backtrack and Fast-forward:


It was last December, actually during the Ophiuchus cycle, when I was developing the concept, this idea, of having Me working with the corrected zodiacs in the new year (2024). I was actually in the midst of trying to write a little post about how the current ascension transitioning-of-now has me shifting away from my Aries incarnated (manipulated/Western) zodiac – and aligning with my ascending (currently undergoing Cosmic corrections) Pisces zodiac.

Several years ago – I really started getting more into the Sidereal or Vedic concepts of the zodiacs and all the astrology stuff… and while I was opening-up my awareness to this information – it was really occurring to me that I really have been shifting and ‘fitting in’ more to and with the Pisces energies. The ‘old me’ really was all-kinds-of Aries with the underlining aspects of Pisces hanging-out in the background. But since the official ‘wake-up’ back in that beloved 2012 era… the Pisces has been/is elbowing itself to the front…

I don’t want to say that it’s kicking Aries to the curb, because it’s not. What it is doing is ‘calling some shit out’. I have wounds to look at and heal - from certain aspects of Self attached to Aries. It is strong in my chart; but it doesn’t mean it will dominate. It kind-of reminds me of ego and soul… ego = Aries and soul = Pisces. This is the time of transition: ego needs to take the backseat and soul is going to (and has been!) take-the-wheel!

This is where I’m at as of late. The healing is having moments of intense obviousness while at the same time – I am returning to (what seem like) ‘old things’ (once cleared) and observing them while in this whole new level of understanding and clarity! Seeing the energies - and more of the moving parts and pieces that were ‘there’. It might be a little hard to describe – but that is what is going on in my current path of my own healing.

Which brings me back to: the beloved ascending zodiacs that have been calling out to me; and I am really taking a closer look! In the research and meditative moments… I have been working on a little concept/idea to: 1. Really pay closer attention (the here and now), and 2. Utilize more fully!

The linear new year that begins on January 1 will already be in the Sagittarius zone. And this was also when I really decided to DO something with this idea that’s been rattling around in my thoughts. Because honestly, during the holiday season – I am 100% all about my family and being in those now-moments! My creative switch was put on the dimmer during that time. Not completely ‘off’ but holding-warm on the back-burner.

January begins and I am hunkering-down to try and make some sort of workable-guideline for myself, gather info, collect resonating things, work-that concept… it’s been fun, so far! I do have the tendency to start out super-gung-ho only to fizzle out somewhere down the road. Hahaha! And I have to laugh here – because this can be an Aries tendency! We LOVE to ‘start’, to ‘go’, to… BOOM! Then we like to walk away from projects... and then go start, and go, and boom all over again somewhere else.

Starting things = Aries. But the dropping it like it’s hot = might just be Me!

I do have some attention deficit issues. Well, then, how about I get to (keep on) healing that! :-)

If things happen with this concept: Cool! I’m lovin’ it and I’m there for it! If things fizzle a bit – then, so be it. Maybe it’s not something to be focusing on right now, maybe it will kick-back-up down the road. Heck, it might even fall completely flat! Honestly though, a lot of the times – when I am thinking I need to be working-on and creating ‘X’; something shifts my focus, and it’s left-for-dead.

Only later to be picked-back-up and be rearranged into something else! I always find that to be interesting.

It’s like – I start something but get to a point where I am ‘waiting for a part to come in’. It will sit idle for who knows how long! Only to re-discover it and have this entirely new concept emerge using what I started as the foundation, bones, the core, of the next phase. I think that’s how creatives can work most times, to be honest. We have to just stop and walk away, coming back later with fresh perspective! It’s all good in the big picture of it all; but can feel daunting or over-whelming when you are ‘in it’.

So, I don’t know. I am not going to worry about any kind of ‘end result’… this is about giving this concept a ‘go’, see what transpires, if it actually does any good… but it’s definitely all about having fun with it!

Building a creative concept can take some serious time. I plan to work on this all year. Twelve linear months with 13 zodiacs – yes, this is technically my 2024 project for my-Self!

All I can say is: good luck, have fun, hope it works out, hope it helps out, and that I learn something valuable! I already know that most of these are already true! It’s that working out part that brings that shade called ‘doubt’. Ugh. Again… stuff to work on, am-I-right?!

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