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Triple 7 Vibrations

I am the path-cutter, lineage repairer-healer in my family.

This is a part, a piece, of my ascending path. It’s a part of everyone’s path when ascension is chosen. If you aren’t healing the family, the generations, then you aren’t ascending. It is really that simple. It’s not the complete whole-ness of ascension, no – because there is a LOT more going on within that… but family line, ancestry is a very large piece of it.

And yes, there could be others amongst the totality of my ancestry/family-line that are awakened and are repairing (awakened to ascend) – but at this current moment in time – I have no idea, other than myself (and recently, my sister).

For me, it unfolded and is still unfolding, naturally, organically. Everything is in Divine Right Timing and when you are able, willing, and ready – the recognition comes easier, faster, and heart felt; with ease and grace.

In my earlier days of spiritual awakening (before 2012; my initiation phase) I thought I was just having several mini-breakdowns. Highly intense, emotional and mental, moments of having to seriously LOOK at people, places and things within me and my family – my timeline(s). Some of these moments came with physical expressions as well. I didn’t fully comprehend what was truly-deeply and multi-dimensionally going on during these times. And in the-moment(s) I didn’t even know I was IN (or entering) my dark-night either.

I just felt compelled and intuitively knew my trajectory was to heal my heart because it ‘felt beat-up’, battered and bruised; there was layers of sadness and depression that seemed to be hanging-out just below the surface of… anything… everything. At that time, amongst the plethora of expanded-thought provoking books, I was reading a lot about deeper meanings of forgiveness. We all get some various level of programmed ‘meaning’ of what forgiveness is as we walk this earth (some don’t get any at all!). I was beginning to see it in a different light; gain deeper understandings and just have different perspectives about it - about true Love, and what a healing-journey really entails. This was one of my many bread-crumbs - leading me on my path to not just expanded/consciousness/awareness discoveries, but my own – Inner-Soul-Self spiritual connections, feelings, emotions, and all-the-things buried!

One of the ways to get started is to take a look at your childhood. For me, it’s just where I gravitated to. You can start with your ‘now’ kind-of stuff or you can get going from things you have been packing around for years! It all leads to the same thing though… and that quote about – it’s not so much about the destination but the journey; also kind-of fitting in a round-about way! :-)

I didn’t really ‘pick a spot’ to start – I was intuitively guided – with things that ‘triggered’ me. Signs and symbols, if you will. And looking back to a few of my ‘triggering’ moments – they catapulted me right into childhood traumas and dramas! Did I have a few experiences (usually while alone in my garden – that is where good therapy can happen by the way) where I was I bawling my eyes out, looking up at the skies and yelling at my parents?? Yes. Yes, I did!

For example, so many deeper-looks, observations, at/of/about my mother. All-the-things about her and our dynamic; the toxic relationship that it was. Most of these were scars, deep wounds, emotional trauma, mental baggage…. on and on…

I knew I was on a forgiveness crusade with my-Self. Because forgiving is one of the biggest steps in the healing journey – I was very well aware that I will be ‘going back there’ (past/childhood) to assess moments in my life where she was, well… a terrible mother and parent. Allowing this, granting consent to my Self, my Soul, my God-Self - wanting to do this… is (was!) the gateway for me. I opened the can-of-worms, I walked through that ‘door’, and let it rip!

The roller-coaster-ride has been ‘On’ ever since! And I wouldn’t have it any other way. I thank God daily for my journey! I really don’t know where I would be today if I had refused to wake-up, resisted healing and alignment, and getting on my spiritual healing path when I did. I don’t even like thinking about that possibility either. It sounds like it would have been SAD. S: Sick, A: Alone, D: Dead (inside and out!) Wow, that just kind of flowed-right-out there…. Yikes! Anyway…

I am diligent, continual, constant and ever perpetuating to be HEALING. My family may not realize this; and that is okay. Because my love for them, my lineage, runs deep! (Pun intended!) :-) The future family will be coming-in/incarnating ‘cleaner’, more connected, self-empowered, and with higher sensory perception to be able to SEE and feel what truly resonates and what doesn’t. I love that this is happening! If it’s happening for me – it’s going to be happening even more effortlessly for them. Hopefully, they will have a set of parents that will know and understand this. We (collectively/individually) are working towards this, yes. It's happening now collectively but cleaning up the family at deeper layers can take the family, your family, to the next level! Seriously.

As we ride these bumpy bifurcation stages and phases; leading us on, up, and through ascension of Self, the planet, our system – galactic/cosmic, our Universe and other Universes… the allowing of and for healing at all our layers and levels takes continued participation, action, and awareness. It’s not easy. Those that think it’s all rainbows and butterflies aren’t truly doing the real work. Sadly, so many are ‘bypassing’. BUT – we all have our own journeys here. I’m not here to judge, just observe. Neutral witnessing comes with deep healing, love, and forgiveness. To forgive is to love, to truly-love is direct connection/reflection to God.

When we heal our-Selves, heal the relationships, heal the timelines; bring closure to what is needed and necessary, release and clear burdens, attachments, curses, hexes (and all the oh-so-many reversal/inverted/manipulated things)… witness and observe in neutrality, forgive and love – this ripples out: backwards and forwards. Past, present and future.

You’ll begin to see changes or these inkling’s of change throughout/within the family. For my own experiences – most observations are: subtle. Things said, or actions taken, choices made; changes in thoughts/thought-forms and how things are perceived then expressed. I notice this, I ‘see you’, and it is heart-warming! They are connecting deeper within their own hearts as the haze and fog of family miasma and burden are being cleaned up. Consciousness expansion is trying to take hold… are they doing anything with it?? I don’t know. But this is awesome – because now, they begin to make the choices to want-to do their own healing work. Knowing or unknowing – they naturally and organically start to shift towards intuitively cleaning some things up. And it’s always ‘hopefully’ – this brings them closer to their potentials to fully awaken and thus, become their own spiritually awakened and ascending human form. This isn’t always the case – I am aware. I know that not everyone is here to ascend – even those in my own family may or might not awaken enough to get working-on their spiritual path. But even doing a little better than your closed-off, ego-controlled, disconnected ways can bring you to newer, better, higher consciousness choices. The betterment of Self – in however it applies!! One baby step forward towards connection of Self, heart, mind, Soul and God is always a good step!

Little, soft, baby steps are amazing baby steps!



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