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Happy Spring!

For northerner's that is.

It's Aries season as well!

It is: happy 'new year'... new beginnings, fresh starts, get motivated, start-up, get going...

I just LOVE it!


Even tho we have snow still hangin' around these parts; the skies are a bit cloudy :-) and the winter vibe is still very strong... I feel the fresh energies coming in and lightin' a fire, getting me juiced-up, and feeling that Go! It's the proverbial 'spring in the step' feels!

Capturing the equinox 'moment' (from my backyard) at approximately 2:24 pm (according to 'time and date' .com) for Pacific Northwesters...

Solar love doing it's best to burn off some of that old man winter. :-)

Happy Spring!! May it be a blessed one! <3


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