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I have been enjoying the understanding of 'portal' and gateway days since… well, I became more aware of what they are. The 11-11 is one of the more popular ones, I guess.

Maybe because there is the correlation with it being an (dare I say: popular) angel number and Universal number – signs – of seeing 11-11 (in various ways and forms). Classically, it is referred to/known as the awakening and awareness number.

Numerology – it is a Master number. The number 11 can be researched like crazy – and with more people having this in their awareness, and wanting to know more… more info becomes available (easier to find). Lots of perspectives!

We have, for our utilization, a powerful 11-11-2020. I am going to say that all of our portals and gateways this year (and since 2012 actually) have been picking up in intensity and amplification! They are going to as we continue our ascension trajectory. There is no ‘going back’ to regular-ole-portal days of yore. We are propelling ourselves/Gaia into the 'new earth' way of BEing. This is a vague statement - as ascension is so vast that our 'new' BE-ing-ness will most definitly take quite a while to embody and adjust to!

If you want to keep saying that the Veil is thinning – go ahead. It’s super thin right now as we continue our phases and levels of Bifurcation. Maybe I just see it as super-thin! Those working on their spiritual healing journey are more apt to understand that consciousness is everything! It is what takes you beyond this dimension. Those still sleeping at the wheel probably don’t even know what a ‘veil thinning’ is. What veil? The ‘veil’ that tends to cover and hinder your higher-self; your multidimensional self… that veil! I giggle, but seriously… there are many that have no concept of multidimensionality; or what they think it is – is foo-foo-sciencey or woo-woo stuff. 🙂

Once we reach the ‘other side’ of this time-split++ (becasue there is a lot of things happening!) – the veil will be non-existent. The consciousness must ‘arrive’ at the expanded, multidimensional, new earth level, that 5D and higher consciousness. It’s just my opinion, but I feel that by the time this pivotal point has been fully reached; it will involve full disclosure event(s) meaning humanity is going to see it ALL! And all third dimensional ways-of-being will have been (or will be getting) resolved, dissolved, dismantled, transitioned, cleaned-up and/or cleared out. It is a collapsing matrix BUT… I also don’t know… what I don’t know! Since we are ALL ‘new here’ and experiencing this stuff together (although we are ALL having our own individual experiences within the collective) it will be witnessed at various conscious levels. Our own personal levels: our healing, our forgiving, our Love, and our spiritual maturity (to name a few).

The next decade will be HUGE for humans.

If you thought 2020 was a wild ride?… The shake and wakes are most likely not stopping any time soon (linear time)! I have no idea when the ‘full disclosure’ of our and our planets pain and suffering (basically); the dark history, the negative agendas completely exposed, as well as our freedom to know about any and all Cosmic/alien activities will be. Revealing this information to the masses is going to be a ‘door buster’ for sure! My guess, if it’s a fast-happening, rip the band-aid, kind-of thing… the people living on the planet will be (most likely) having their ‘come-to-Jesus’ moments! Many will still NOT believe what they are witnessing. The mind-controlled masses will most likely STILL be in a denial state of their actual HUman-ness and their right to be a FREE soul! Waking up right now is kind-of a big deal!

Which brings me back to the 11-11 and utilizing this frequency portal for your own self-awareness and healing. This is a time of Self Mastery; 11 represents Self Mastery. The entire month of November is an 11. And just from my own experiences and practices along my ascension path… you don’t need any fancy numbers and special days to work on your Self, your higher-Self, the alignment of you-with-God, inner-child/shadow work and ALL the healing that needs to take place. Just start and keep going!

Every day… all days!

Yes, there are certain days where you will feel it intensify and be a little amped; this is good! Because you are really becoming aware and embodying the energies that are beyond the physical realm, this dimension, and/or current state of consciousness. Awareness… always! Things will be constantly changing, shifting and transforming.

So, maybe take some time for yourself and tune-in. Give yourself a ‘scan’ – from head to toe. Notice what you notice while you give a closer ‘look’/feel to your physical vessel and to your energy field that surrounds you. Communication with your Self is a good thing! I’ve been talking to myself since I was a baby – probably! And it’s interesting that we need to remind ourselves to check-in with ourselves! It is part of the disconnected world we have been residing in. Being and staying separate is what the programming (negative programming) is all about. Those days are ending, they are over! It’s totally hip and cool to be talking to yourself now! Well, okay… people don’t look at you anymore like you are a weirdo! 🙂 They probably just think you are talking on your Bluetooth, recording or something.


11 is great! 11-11 is also great! Coming up is 12-12 and 12-21! There will always be a portal opening and gateways for this lower dimensional realm. Because our energy is so dense here, and WE are so dense – maybe the Universal vibes can get their access to us (and us to 'it') with a little more ease and grace on certain days, astrological/cosmic events, etc. I think that since the human (ego) brain likes consistency, calendars, dates and times… it’s part of the mix that makes these days/events the way they are.

Are these all ‘programs’ (accepted by collective-consciousness) injected in to our matrix? Probably. Because in the realm of it all… does God/Pure Source really need a specific ‘date’ to pump us with higher frequencies for our spiritual awakening? Mmmm, I’m guessing: no.

But it’s all fun right?! These become the new holiday events for the awakened!

On that note:

Have a Happy 11 month and all it offers for continual new levels of awareness!

Keep living in the Now!


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