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Currents of May

Current: of now, the present; Current of electricity… it’s all Vibe!

The month of May is no slacker when it comes to ascension frequencies! LOL! No month, as of current, will ever be a slacker. But there are some energy-moments, during particular months, that can and are ‘more felt’ (than maybe others). Could be just me, but I doubt it!

The Taurus season holds hands with the electrical peak cycle and this… can make for a good ‘pounding on the body’ whether or not you are aware of the ascension that is in process/progress now or not. But having the awareness-of sure can make things a little bit easier to ‘deal’ with. Dealing with will be varied/various – because there are times when I am wondering ‘How long is this going to be going on?’ – or – ‘Seriously, what is this?’! It’s a known fact, amongst the spiritual, that our physical vessels can lag a little bit behind when it comes to integration and assimilation of frequencies and energies that are above and beyond the density of 3D, the density of our body. It can be slow, it can feel slow with moments of this pummeling sensation as it ‘spreads’ throughout the layers of the body. When it ‘hits’ it hits! It can floor you, leave you exhausted… it’s hard to explain but when you know, you know (and – we all experience differently). Thus, causing any myriad of various ‘random’ weird things, sensations, feels, pangs, pains, and so on.

Knowing and understanding this, all while giving yourself the time and space to allow, is one of the keys for any of the recuperating, repairing, recalibrating, balance/harmony aspects happening physically now during these times of our moving through the bifurcation process. Shift and change is a process; a very multi-layered process!

I don’t have any of this mastered by all means… I’ve got a grasp of ‘it’, there is knowing/innate-ness, but all-under-control? I will have to say: no, not at this particular time. I am experiencing and processing like many others are. To be honest, I don’t think any one actually has any of this ‘stuff’ mastered because this is all New! This is our first time doing this from the what/where we are ‘coming from’ (enslaved, manipulated, programmed bodies/minds in an enslaved, manipulated planet/system).

If there is a ‘guru’ out there telling you they got this all under control… I smell lies (and/or deceit)! But also on that note: the day of the (exterior) Guru is gone and leaving/dissolving. We are all on this equal ground right now.

Yes, there are spiritually advanced, practiced, mature, more ‘elevated’ holders of Kryst-Light/Christ-Sophia… some that are seriously devoted (working on the-Self and beyond), involved, engrossed, learning, experiencing, and comprehending - for growth, evolution and embodiment of Soul and Monad (multi-dimensional Self/Selves). Those that are truly of Christ-Sophia consciousness would never claim themselves as Guru, your guru or anybody’s guru. Nobody is your guru except You!

We came to earth to ascend, to inscend, and to be our own ascended master; to master the many of our Selves; we are ‘all over the place’ in this vast multitude of Universes. We are here to claim, call-back, repair, heal, forgive, love ALL of our-Self through, to, and with this here and now physical body! It’s what we are attempting or dedicating our Self to be doing. Not an easy task. Many will not be up to it, to the challenge, during this round or on whatever timeline it is they are on. We all have our own path. There are those of us that will and work our asses-off because we innately know that this is what we are supposed to be doing and want to be doing!

So, when taking the hits from the higher consciousness that is: God-Source and the higher realms of energies, frequencies, sound/light/plasma, Solar consciousness – asking with-In should always be step number 1. I have moments where I feel like I am asking the same question a little too often. ☺(LOL!)

I know I am receiving the answer, parts/pieces of the answer, or being guided to the answer – but, alas, I am still working the puzzle-piece(s) of my ego-consciousness and the (over) thinking-(monkey)-mind. It can get-in-the-way and muddle what’s coming in for me as ‘the answer’. Do I still fall back on the ole-tried-and-true ‘it comes in 3’s’ theory and concept? Yes. I still tend to do that. Especially if it’s new territory for me. There is this unsureness, which brings about further questioning.

I am always learning levels/new levels (and strengthening) my discernment. This calls upon trust. And, as I have mentioned a few times over my several years of journal-blogging… me and (issues of) ‘trust’ go way back! The growth and ever-unfolding relationship development with trust does keep getting better, cleared, healed, etc. but I am not at 100% yet! This stems from other lifetimes (not just from this one), as well as Galactic wars from other dimensions/dimensional times. The trust/trusting (in ‘others’) is a deep, deep wound. Working on this, peeling its layers, is just one of the many aspects of this particular healing-journey portion of Me.

Coming back to the activities of my May, the energies/frequencies swirling and twirling…

I had a day this month…

It was the pocket-of-time when (corrected/solar) Aries was shifting into (corrected/solar) Taurus (during mid-month (electric peak). I think last solstice was when I felt this similar intensity. I knew the energies were extremely heightened and I was already trying to be gentle with myself in general. I recall that particular morning was already on-my-radar because I woke up with head pressure and this ‘ache’ that was building at the back of my skull, creeping up to the top/sides. This – not normal for me; I just don’t get headaches unless there is something seriously ‘off’. It is a true, un-filtered, warning signal for me; I do NOT question the headache! I did my best to function that morning, asking my-Self the questions of what might be going on or ‘the cause’; meanwhile, the intensity was just getting unbearable. BOOM! (Enter: ‘Mack’ truck!) I had to literally stop anything/everything and give my Self the moment of TLC that was being requested!

My physical vessel demanded… DEMANDED! that I lay down and close my eyes for a little bit! Was this a sensation of being floored? Yes, this is what I consider being floored! I must go back to bed and sleep until further notice. As I lay down and close my eyes, I ask for the repair and healing that is required, needed and necessary. It was a solid 2-ish hours when I would wake back up and feeling better. Headache has dissipated, the lethargy has eased… yes, much better. The following handful of days had their obvious sensations and feels for me. I was aware and paying attention to the feely-feels.

It was a week of lots of Solar activities; thus, physical attributes in relation to. Things have been intense since the Solar eclipse (that happened in April, but really – since 2017, and… even before that!) :-) Honoring my body is just where I am at these days. When it is talking to me, I listen. Yes, I still have several conversations where I ask n’ say: ‘What?’; ‘What was that?’; Can you speak up because apparently I am either not hearing or I am not understanding. And then we go through this dance that we do. :-)  Ahhh, good times! LOL! I will look back at all of this and be like: Man, I have come a long way… I just adore all the learning and the growth! In the meantime – I trudge onward and upward! Trudge might be a heavy word but really, it’s heavy work I am (we are) doing down here.

As the summer solstice approaches, the sensations of it and the frequencies/energies surrounding it, I naturally am attracted to be out on/in earth. I am outside more. The sunshine and garden calls! I am really looking forward to a productive garden this year ♥ from the veggies to the flowers! It's a favorite linear time for me... digging in the dirt, planting the seeds, patiently waiting for the growth to transpire! I love it! And I love it at all levels and layers! ♥

Keep on, keepin’ on!



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