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Healing Journey

God enters through the wound.’ – Carl Jung

That is truth right there!


I am familiar with working on my wounds; working with my higher-self and the Divine to heal these wounds. It’s kind-of where I’m at right now. I have been working on some deep healing for quite a while now. Some just happen to be deeper than others.

Some are physical and some are emotional, more often than not – they are usually together.

Because emotional wounding can leave scars in deeper tissues, organs, and even our cells – the physical pain from these might not be as noticeable; or – disguised as something else. This deep wounding, emotional deep wounding, also can be known as trapped emotions. Possibly more chronic than an actual physical scar/wound and injury.

For example – I had a near death experience that involved being thrown from a moving, rolling, vehicle. It basically damn-near broke my spine. But through that lovely Divine miracle – it didn’t actually break my back. But what it did was leave some misalignment, slipped/herniated discs, and a bit of some 'crunched' vertebrae. Did I let a doctor tell me, try to convince me, I would not be walking… No!

I didn’t believe him, not even for one second! My mind-set to be a healthy, mobile human was already in motion. I innately knew this. I mean, I just came back from death, right? 🙂

The physical injury was healing and healable (to a certain extent; I’ll never be back to 100% spine-perfection. Or… will I? Hmmm). I mean, our bodies naturally want to be healed or in the healed-state, homeostasis. It is going to get what it needs done. But it can only be as successful as you will allow. The positive mental state, to help the healing be successful, is something not everyone does. When they say – the power of the mind is… powerful! It’s true. Mind-set is more than half the battle, way more. So…no surgery here, no real therapy, it boils down to – just my sheer will to want to be strong and healthy.

It’s the emotional injuries that would surround this incident for years to follow. These would become deep, scar tissue; creating blocks, walls, emotional trauma, trapped energies (most of which – weren’t even mine), just to name a few. I would absorb the thoughts, feelings, and emotions of others, and then contain them, right there – in my back. I didn’t know I was doing this. Usually we just don’t. We tend to collect, we don’t always process it when it first happens. If we did – it would most likely flow right through us. I was a teenager, I had enough emotions going through me already! Processing appropriately wasn’t in my wheel-house.

Collecting all these energies would slow my healing any further than the basics (if this makes sense). Up, moving, and mobile: yes! Mentally up, moving, and motivated: not so much. I would begin to feel the accumulation of something hindering me, or blocking me, as I would begin living my adult life. Clueless as to all the trapped emotional baggage I was hording. Not just in my spine, I had it packed in other places too.

Jumping to the now:

I have been re-visiting, or I should say… my deeper scars, injuries, and emotions – are coming up for me to work with.

I guess if they are showing up, I am re-visiting! I have been working on and processing a lot of old-energy and trauma since my final-awakening. It has been a roller-coaster ride. It’s needed and it’s required to keep oneself on the path to their highest good, higher-consciousness. It’s the ascension path and I am on it.

If anyone is telling you ascension is all butterflies and rainbows, they are probably not on it. They are probably ignoring their work or by-passing it. Maybe they are perfect and have absolutely no old-stuck-energies, baggage, and miasma…pffft, ya right! If you were born here, been living on planet earth, you have SOMETHING! To get lighter you need to drop the density, the weight, the old energies and baggage. Like I mentioned – it’s a process and a series of processes that will take work and dedication. You must do your home-work: inner work, healing work, clearing, integrating, and nurturing yourself and most importantly: loving yourself.

I like to describe some of my reoccurring energies/emotions as (healing) bullet-points along my timeline. As I am moving along my path I will reach a bullet-point, maybe even like a pit-stop. Whatever they are (a trauma, for example), they are there for me to go within and clean out some dead-weight, the miasma. For me, in the true Divine timing, emotions/issues/energies/injuries will come to the surface, fill my thoughts, and then I am taking some time to find out why. The next session of processing begins for me. If it needs to be released, it will. If it needs to be integrated, it will. With each time, I clean-up a layer of it. I don’t know how many layers there are. But with each one… I do feel lighter. I feel better, happier, stronger, and more at peace.

So, these past couple of years, I keep finding myself stopping at this bullet-point: a pretty-hard-core trauma - my car accident. I will be the first to admit, I stuffed a lot of it over the years; I buried a lot of the emotions associated with it. Well guess what? I can’t keep it buried and tucked-away any longer. It’s one of the initiators to me even writing about it. Openly… on the internet!

This is part of my healing journey. Just discussing it, writing about it, recognizing it, acknowledging it - has a healing affect.

Will I be processing some wounds and then journaling about them here? Probably. I’ve got a healing journey for my healing journey! Hahaha! 🙂 And I will sign off with that: laughter is also – truly one of the best medicines! That, and a nice cup of Chaga tea.

To be continued…always…

Photo by Engin Akyurt on


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