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Aries Season ReBorn

As I continue working on my 'project Me' in regards to the corrections and adjustments being made astrologically - this is Universal - I am finding myself blending and/or merging these two active concepts (projects, experiments, 'beta' testing of my-Self); they weave throughout each other, and rightfully so.

The current awareness of the Saturn Taskmaster year, this, my 54th year; along with my continued corrections, adjustments, integrations, and alignments to/with the corrected zodiacs (of solar alignment), the Galactic Zodiac. Two fun and seemingly 'separate' project-activities - yet, not. As everything is truly One and in Unity. And in 'true' (LOL!) Aries fashion - it starts with a bang (but how it plays out, as of the time of this writing, I will soonly be finding out)! :-)

I love to do 'oracle draws' - but not always the way most people tend to do, with a deck of cards. I have those but haven't used them in quite a while actually. I have been finding it pretty fun, and refreshing, to set the intention/ask for the guidance, and then allow a book of choosing - to open and fall to that perfect page. Or utilizing the randomizer of certain places and spaces on the inner-nets (intuitive-resonating websites, for example)! :-) There are many other methods or means to have that 'magic 8 ball' of the Universe send you some information and guidance! This morning, was a 'random' glossary page from the beloved Ascension Glossary and, as always... nailed it!

Life Review - was my 'oracle draw' and this was right in line with the aspects of: my taskmaster year 'project' (that is: me) and with the now beginning Aries, corrected/solar, zodiac season. This was compelling me to write this post even! There's just something about a divine-timing journaling prompt that just 'hits', ya know?!

So, taking a closer look at the 'draw' - the correlation with my here and now, my taskmaster year, and my innate-soul desire to heal and repair all the levels-and-layers of Me (my multi-dimensional Selves). It brings comfort and a calm to have the knowing, understanding and resonance that during these current ascending times - we can be doing some serious work(s) in our physical 'now' before we even transit out of here.

Of course, you have to first be aware of this in the first place! The ascension, that is. Yes, humanity is being affected and 'touched' by/with higher frequencies now; but what to be doing with 'it all'? It's so varied and will be a gazillion different scenarios! I loving call this current ascension-time 'the wild west' - because we are in some serious uncharted 'waters'! Many will never come close to this connection (or they spiral out of control/descend; it's all just-too-much); the expanded consciousness that connects them to their heart, that then opens the door(s) to higher Self/Soul, Over-soul/Monad and the Godhead. But, again, we all have our own unique path and purpose(s) but in the bigger picture of 'it all': we truly came here to ascend! We signed up for this! I know I did! I'm stoked and in full gratitude to be awake and aware of this! Thank you God!

Life review while in our current body... I welcome this! As an eternal soul and consciousness-piece of God/Source, I would love to be getting 'ducks-in-a-row' on a constant, consistent, growth-evolving, Soul healing, Monad embodying physical-plane 'now' existence! Work-in-progress is truly my middle name! :-) And seriously, it should be everybody's middle name! LOL!

Back to the 'oracle draw'...

Life Review:

It is the Holy Father that knows the names and true identities of all entities, and when he calls them by name they must answer to him. Holy Father does not judge, however, Cosmic Justice is dispensed to bring balance to the consequence of the actions of each and every being, human or non-human. At the end of the time cycle we each finally meet our true maker, and we have to tell him (and ourselves) what we did in our life, and why we chose to do the things that we did. Nothing is hidden at the time of Life Review, which can happen while in our physical body or when we transit the body to another plane. We each undergo Life Review, and we see every detail of our life, our choices, the pain we caused, the love we gave freely and what our influence on the earth timelines actually created. No one is exempt from the Life Review, all entities in the Universe endure this process at the end of the cycle.

Holographic Memories

We are entering a time on this planet of Life Review, the same function of the consciousness holographic memory projection of our life-stream, that we view in between incarnation cycles.

Participating consciously with this Life Review during this cycle, while in a body, is a positive and massive step forward in accelerating Consciousness. Facing memories and reaching a conclusion of their events by fully letting them go in unconditional love and forgiveness, will slide your Lightbody into the new supportive platform of the Unity Field.

More Ascending waves of human beings are currently being spiritually initiated into the Unity Platform timeline and simultaneously being extracted from the 3D Mind Control architecture. As a part of this transition, along with other events, such as a lifting quarantine in the fields, a Life Review will occur as in the previous death transition of “bardo”. For some it may feel like a death of your identity, or death of someone or something, who is the archetype who agreed to be the catalyst of your Ascension transition. Keep breathing and Let it go. This may feel like being in the crusty, dark cocoon right before bursting into the butterfly with a full wing span. Stay awake through the Life Review which may mirror a “Dark Night of the Soul” process in order to be present for the feeling of the returning flight to freedom.

Wowzah! Again: for me, personally, nailing the head... pun intended (Aries/Ram-head...).

I also have in the mix - the recent 'loss' of my beloved sweet cat Mo (interestingly enough - he left this earth realm right in the middle of corrected/solar Pisces season, the end of March). His departure left me shocked and sad; took me a few days to deeply process and I will always miss him, his presence, his sweet face and giving me those slow methodical blinking eyes saying: I love you.

I have always believed that pets/animals come in and through our lives with greater/deeper purpose; I also know that when their contract is done - it is time for them to go. That doesn't make it any easier in saying goodbye. But I am SO thankful and grateful for him (and his sweet brother Neo who passed 2 years ago) and all the lessons learned, those teachable moments, the unconditional love, the snuggles, the cuddles, and even the mice left at the back door! <3

So, I've got some change-ups happening. I feel the presence of a bigger shift (timeline/future/cosmic) that I am connecting to, aligning with, and allowing the flow of the Christos-Sophia consciousness guiding me. As per-usual I can't put my finger on it. I just know, feel, sense, trust, and allow.

My Pisces into Aries, the beginning stage/phase of my taskmaster year, I find myself in several moments on the daily of some pretty-deep meditations, inner-reflective conversation, discussions with my Soul, and then trusting the information given/received in divine-right-timing. This isn't anything new, actually. This deep-connection is kind-of what goes on... all the time, regardless of 'season'. But what I have definitely noticed for this year in particular (since 2024 started, for sure) is that the clarity, the trust is strong and unwavering, and my processing, or working-things-out, comes quicker and with certainty; a.k.a. the innate knowing and trust without a shadow-of-a-doubt!

I have a long 'troubled' relationship with 'trust'; it goes beyond this life-time. As I work and process through my galactic/cosmic 'issues' and previous life experiences - this has gotten better over the last decade. So thankful for that! So when I can say that I full-heartedly 'trust' something without any distortions (energetically/in my energy field/lightbody), to me, this is a big deal.

For me, myself, and I... I have come a long way in my healing! And I love this; thankful, and grateful.

I currently claim that (corrected/solar) Pisces season, along with it's 'shadow-body' the western zodiac Aries - is (and probably will be for my duration) my personal-agent-of-change that hits super-deep. My birthday is the end of March, there's a lot of stuff going on during this time as well... usually spring/vernal equinox, possibilities of a year when the satanic holidaze of Easter happens, maybe an eclipse of some kind is going on or coming up. It truly is an interesting time. I embrace it!

Wanting to keep going deep/deeper with the Self/Selves is our homework down here. And, yes, I'm that weirdo that actually likes homework! Is homework the right word? :-)  Well, I like reading, research, learning, writing, creating, experimenting, experiencing, growing and evolving; maybe turning-in an essay or two here and there, sharing my creative expression... so, I guess I do like homework!

And on that note... back to the classroom - that is: earth and ascension!

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